
Since its founding in 1902, Beta Chapter of Theta Chi has seen over 1,200 brothers enter its ranks. Through out its history, each brother has taken up the banner of lifelong membership in the fraternity.

In 1922, the chapter moved in to its present location at 528 Beacon Street in Boston. The house recently underwent a major renovation focused on bringing the physical plant to modern-day standards. Additional projects are constantly happening to keep everything functioning well and looking good.

Financial support from our alumni makes this all possible – please visit our giving page to learn more about the renovations and how to contribute.

The alumni corporation is responsible for the ownership and upkeep of the house, and serves in an advisory role to the undergraduates. To join or learn more about the corporation and its officers, visit our corporation page.

We host regular gatherings of alumni, including our annual alumni weekend each spring, an open house during the tech reunions, and regional meetups around the country. Please visit our events page to learn more about upcoming events.

Our chapter newsletter, the Beta Button, has been published since 1916. Explore recent issues here to see what’s new!


Regional Meetup: Boston

Thursday, September 28, 2023 @7pm
Cornwall's Pub
644 Beacon St Boston, MA 02215

You are invited to an event at 7PM on Thursday, September 28 at Cornwall’s Pub in Kenmore Square, just a few blocks from the chapter house. The first order of business for this event is to enjoy yourself by meeting Theta Chis from other eras and learning more about how Theta Chi is doing these days. The short answer is “pretty well”. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities and want to become more involved in the “big picture” of Beta Chapter, Corporation members will be in attendance to chat about how you can become involved. If you can come, please email to let us know.


Who's who?

The Alumni Corporation represents collective ownership of the chapter house, oversees tax, licensing, and liability issues related thereto, and keeps in close contact with the active brothers in both social and mentoring capacities.

Current corporation officers include:

President - Kenneth Schumacher ’12
Vice President - David Campanella '76
Treasurer - Ryan Andrews '10
Secretary - Charlie Albright '80

Join Us!

We are always looking for additional involvement from our alumni. If you have interest in joining the corporation, and we can work with you to find a role as big or as small as you’d like. The corporation meets once a month by webconference and in person at 528 Beacon Street. To get involved, please contact us.

Typical topics covered during our monthly meetings include updates from the undergraduates, licensing and inspections, the Beta Button, updates from the Outlook Committee, and check-ins with the undergraduate chapter on risk management, finances, and more.

Big Brother Tree

Here is an incomplete tree of Big Brother lines at Beta Chapter.
Help us grow this tree by emailing updated information to Mauricio Barba Da Costa!

Beta Buttons

The Beta Button is our semiannual chapter newsletter. It is used to share recent updates and happenings at 528 Beacon with our alumni around the world, and has been in publication since 1916. Click below to view recent issues.

  • Spring 2023

  • Fall 2022


Capital Campaign

Generations of Theta Chi brothers have lived at 528 Beacon for almost 100 years. Through a recent MIT-sponsored Facilities Assessment, we developed a comprehensive picture of what our over-125-year-old house will need to support a chapter in the 21st century. Projects we are addressing include:

  • Repairing the front sidewalk
  • Replacing exterior doors
  • Re-pointing the house exterior -- front and back
  • Replacing our unreliable boiler
  • Re-tiling and renovating bathrooms
  • Updating a very old sprinkler system
  • Complying with updated safety code requirements

We need your financial help to get these projects done and keep our house in good shape. House renovations and maintenance projects are funded only through donations from our alumni like you!

Ways to Give

We have three ways to give to the Annual Fund:

  1. You can write a check directly to "Beta Chapter of Theta Chi". This direct donation is not tax-deductible.

  2. You can write a check to the "Society for the Preservation of Greek Housing". Using SPGH, your donation is tax deductible. We suggest that if you are donating $250 or more and are interested in a tax deduction, please use this approach. Many employers can provide matching donations, since SPGH is a registered 501c3 charity.

    Please send all checks to:

    Beta Chapter of Theta Chi
    P.O. Box #397253, Cambridge, MA 02139

  3. You can give via an online PayPal transaction. Clicking the button below will bring you to a page to setup either a one-time or a monthly recurring donation. Paypal donations go directly to the corporation and are not tax-deductible.

Thank you to all the Brothers and Friends who donated to the "Raise the Roof" campaign between 2018 and 2022, with special thanks to these four who matched gifts of $250 or more:
  • Jim Poitras '63 matched 2018 donations
  • Dave Keselica ‘83 matched 2019 donations
  • Chip Hance ’81 matched 2019 donations, in honor of brother John Helferich '79
  • Ricky Ramirez '09 matched 2021 donations

Want to give some other way that’s not listed here? Contact us by email or the P.O. Box address listed above, and we can work with you to make it happen.

Contact Us

We always enjoy hearing from our fellow brothers. Please let us know how you're doing!